Φορέων Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης


Αιρετός στο ΑΠΥΣΔΕ Ιονίων Νήσων
Email dstrav@sch.gr                                                            
Ζάκυνθος 3-7-2003   
Προς  Δημήτριο Μαντζουράτο

Πρόεδρο ΕΛΜΕ Κ-Ι

Αιρετό στο ΠΥΣΔΕ Κεφαλονιάς

Και τους «Κουβανούς» της Κεφαλονιάς 

    Αφού για την «ταμπακιέρα» ( τις συκοφαντίες σας εναντίον μου στη Γ.Σ της ΕΛΜΕ Κεφαλονιάς- Ιθάκης) δεν είπατε τίποτε,  συνεχίζετε μέσα από το διαδίκτυο την πολιτική λάσπης προς τη ΔΑΚΕ και τους εκλεγμένους αντιπροσώπους της. Απαντώ πολύ σύντομα και συγκεκριμένα:

Ø     Συνεχίζετε την  προσωπική λασπολογία κατά των συνδικαλιστών της ΔΑΚΕ, κατηγορώντας στέλεχός της παράταξης ότι δήθεν  πήρε «χαριστικά» οργανική θέση σε σχολείο. Αποκρύπτετε την αλήθεια ότι 1) με παρέμβαση της ΔΑΚΕ εξασφαλίστηκαν περισσότερες οργανικές θέσεις και δεν αφέθηκαν οι καθηγητές «ξεκρέμαστοι» στη διάθεση του ΠΥΣΔΕ και 2) ότι συγγενικό σας πρόσωπο έχει πάρει οργανική θέση με λιγότερες  ώρες από αυτές που τοποθετήθηκαν αυτοί που καταγγέλλετε!

Ø       Η ΕΛΜΕ και οποιοδήποτε σωματείο προφανώς μπορεί να πάρει θέση σε οποιοδήποτε θέμα να πάρει δημοκρατικά όποια απόφαση θέλει. Καλό είναι όμως να  αναφέρεται ότι η απόφαση «στηρίζουμε την Κουβανική Επανάσταση»  «προσχώρηση στο ΠΑΜΕ κλπ» ελήφθη με 18 παρόντες όταν στην Κεφαλονιά υπηρετούν πάνω από 250 καθηγητές!

Ø      Οι εξισώσεις του τύπου «όποιος καταδικάζει τις εκτελέσεις και τις μακρόχρονες φυλακίσεις στην Κούβα είναι πράκτορας των Αμερικάνων» έχουν ήδη απαντηθεί από την παγκόσμια κοινή γνώμη που θυμάται πολύ καλά τα καθεστώτα των  Τσαουσέσκου, Χόνεκερ, Χότζα, Ζίβκωφ κλπ, που ευτυχώς οι λαοί της Ευρώπης αποτίναξαν στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1990. Εσείς όπως συμπεραίνει κανείς είσαστε και τότε από τους υποστηρικτές αυτών των «επαναστάσεων».

    Σας στέλνω την πρόσφατη έκθεση της Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας (ελπίζω ότι δεν θεωρείτε και αυτή την οργάνωση «νοσταλγούς του Μπατίστα»),  για την κατάσταση στην Κούβα με τίτλο
«Κούβα: Η κλιμάκωση της καταπίεσης πρέπει να σταματήσει» 
 όπου εκτός από τις τρεις πρόσφατες εκτελέσεις αντιφρονούντων, καταγγέλλεται η σύλληψη 75 (εβδομήντα πέντε) αντικαθεστωτικών (κυρίως συνδικαλιστών ) και η καταδίκη τους σε μακρές ποινές φυλάκισης έως 28 χρόνια με  «συνοπτικές και μη δίκαιες δίκες».    Παραθέτω το κείμενο στα Αγγλικά, μαζί με μια επιστολή διαμαρτυρίας κατά των διώξεων,  που προτείνει η Διεθνής Αμνηστία να σταλεί στον Κάστρο, την οποία σας προτείνω να  στείλετε και σεις.(Ολόκληρη η έκθεση στη δ/νση)   



       Cuba: Escalation of repression must be halted

 press release, 03/06/2003

AI Index: AMR 25/018/2003 (Public)

                  News Service No: 131

                  3 June 2003

Amnesty International is extremely concerned at the unprecedented crackdown on human rights which has taken place in Cuba in recent months. A new report published today, Cuba: "Essential measures"? Human rights crackdown in the name of security details a massive increase in the number of prisoners of conscience and calls on Cuba to immediately halt executions and resume its three-year de facto moratorium on executions. The report also highlights the impact of the United States embargo on human rights in Cuba and recommends that the US government revise its policy with a view to ending its trade embargo.

In mid-March 2003, after a period of apparent movement towards a more open and permissive approach, Cuban authorities carried out an unprecedented clampdown on the dissident movement on the island. Over the space of a few days, security forces rounded up over 75 dissidents in targeted sweeps. With the exception of half a dozen well-known figures critical of the regime, most mid-level leaders of the dissident movement, people who had been activists for a decade or more, were detained. They were subjected to hasty and unfair trials, and, just weeks after their initial arrest, were given long prison terms of up to 28 years. Cuban authorities tried some of them under harsh, previously unused legislation.

In early April 2003, the Cuban government ended a three-year de facto moratorium on executions, killing by firing squad three men who had been involved in a hijacking. They had been subjected to a summary trial and appeals process, and were executed less than a week after their trial began.

"The Cuban government must immediately halt executions, and abolish once and for all the death penalty from the Cuban legal system."

Amnesty International condemns these serious violations, and the increasing disregard for international human rights standards that they represent. In spite of Cuban government claims that those arrested were "foreign agents" whose activities endangered Cuban independence and security, and having reviewed the legal documents of many of the 75 dissidents sentenced, Amnesty International believes that they are prisoners of conscience.

"Giving interviews to US-based media or sending information to organizations like Amnesty International was mentioned in some of the verdicts as arguments for the conviction of the dissidents. Those activities clearly fall within the parameters of the legitimate exercise of freedom of expression and association and should not be punished by imprisonment."

"Amnesty International considers that the 75 dissidents are prisoners of conscience and asks for their immediate and unconditional release."


The Cuban authorities have justified the executions as well as the crackdown against the dissidents on the need to defend themselves against the provocations and threats posed to its national security by the United States. While Amnesty International believes that this cannot justify the imprisonment of prisoners of conscience or other violations of fundamental rights, the report recognizes the negative effect of the US embargo on the full range of human rights in Cuba.

"The economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba has served as an ongoing justification for Cuban state repression and has contributed to the climate in which human rights violations occur, " Amnesty International said.

"The embargo provides the Cuban government with an excuse for its repressive policies, and has had a detrimental influence on nutrition, health, education and many other spheres of life, disproportionately harming the weakest and most vulnerable members of society."

"Specific embargo provisions such as the allocation of significant amounts of aid for "democracy building" have made it easier for the Cuban government to portray political dissidents as foreign sympathisers, ultimately weakening the prospects for a strong human rights movement in the country," Amnesty International concluded.


Full copies of the report are available at: http://www.web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR250172003


  © Amnesty International


Υπόδειγμα επιστολής διαμαρτυρίας  για την καταπάτηση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων,  που προτείνει η Διεθνής Αμνηστία να σταλεί στην Κουβανική πρεσβεία, και απευθύνεται στον Φιντέλ Κάστρο. 


Dr Fidel Castro Ruz

Presidente de los consejos de Estado y de Ministros

La Habana, Cuba


I am deeply concerned about the recent arrest and sentencing of 75 Cuban activists. According to reports, those arrested in the wave of detentions which began on 18 March 2003, include journalists, owners of private libraries and pro-democracy members of unofficial opposition parties. They have not threatened Cuba's security in any way, rather, they seemed to have been imprisoned for simply airing their views peacefully or taking part in activities critical of the government. I call on your government to release them immediately and unconditionally. 

I am also very concerned about the execution of the three men, Lorenzo Enrique Copello Castillo, Bárbaro Leodán Sevilla García and Jorge Luis Martínez Isaac, who were executed by firing squad on 11 April 2003. They had been among a group that hijacked a Cuban ferry with several dozen passengers on board and tried to force it to take them to the USA. In spite of the matter being resolved without violence, they were summarily tried and executed less than a week after their trial began.  Their executions ended a three year de facto moratorium in Cuba.


I urge you to release all prisoners of conscience in Cuba immediately and unconditionally, to abolish the death penalty from Cuba's legal system and to commute all existing death sentences to prison terms. 

Yours sincerely,


Για την αντιγραφή

Δημήτρης Στραβοπόδης

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